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My name is Emily and I'm an outgoing, funny, sarcastic girl. I love hockey, dance and cheer leading. I was diagnosed with three types of depression, severe anxiety and chemical dependency. I grew up in a home without a dad for three years and lots of emotional and some physical abuse which was a factor in my spiraling depression. I never felt "good enough" for anyone. I cut myself for five years and have struggled with many negative thoughts about myself which lead to several suicide attempts. I was bullied in elementary school and dealt with abandonment issues. I eventually turned to drugs and drinking for relief from this reality I wanted no part of. I lied to family and friends about my addiction and now have a criminal record. I have been hospitalized twice for a suicide attempt and for my chemical dependency. I have been through many years of counselling and therapy which wasn't helpful. I bottled all my emotions up inside of me until I exploded with anger, hurt, and frustration. I am still recovering but I hope I can be an inspiration to others on their road to recovery.


Who we are...

Your wonderful creators of Free The Butterflies are Emily McAlister and Caitlyn Stanley. Our managers are Shannon Stutzman and Kaelyn Matthews.

We are all teenagers who have been through hurt, disaster, tragedy, pain, and loss. We know first hand what it's like to be a teenager and we know how to help others get the help they need. We are no different than anyone else other than the fact we want to change the pain this world is revolving around. 

We have pain too!


Hi everyone! im Cait, and ima keep it short here! 

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